Saturday, October 31, 2015


Sometimes God uses things in our lives, it usually seems to be things that annoy us at first, or that we view as a hindrance, to slow us down so we can stop, rest, and reflect. So here I am, stuck on the couch with a cold, reflecting and resting. But you know, it has been very good, and I am thankful.

It's the end of October now. That's crazy! Thanksgiving and Christmas really are just around the corner. Soon fall and its crisp wonders will be a memory, and white flakes of snow will take the place of the remaining autumn colors.

One thing that I've never quite been able to understand, or at least not relate to, is when people ask if you're staying busy, or when you say you have been really busy, they say, "Well, that's good!" I mean, I get that being busy can help one stay out of trouble, but I also feel like it can cause one to miss a lot of life. Contrary to my schedule, I really do not like to be "busy." I like quiet days like today where I can stop and reflect.

I think part of why people like busyness is because then they can just stay more in "survival" mode. They don't have to stop and think about the bigger, deeper questions of life. (However, "If Satan can't get you to stumble, he'll keep you busy.") But I don't like constant busyness, and I live for the deep questions, for finding the answers to these questions, and for engaging in conversation about these questions with others.

Maybe people like to stay busy because then they don't have to look at the whole world around them--all the problems, the pain. They can just stay in their own little world and live out their day-to-day lives, often turning a blind eye to this fallen world.

But I can't.

I can't turn my back on the unborn--not when I can be their voice.

I can't leave the broken stuck in their pain--not when I have something that can help them, not when I have something to share.

And I do.

I have Jesus.

Don't get to busy to where you neglect to do what God is calling you to do.

Be attentive and responsive to His voice. Sometimes He may be calling us to rest; other times, to action. 

Our job is to listen.


  1. Very good point! Busyness can most definitely be a danger to the Christian. I still remember my father making it a point to take our family away from a lot of ministries and events we were in when I was a child to make sure that the family was on the sake page and that God was first and foremost above everything else.

    Thank you, Ms. Chord!!

    1. Thank you for sharing that story! It is so true, and sad, but sometimes "ministry" can actually take us away from what God is call us to do if we are not attentive to His voice. Thanks for the comment!
